Educators' Society for Heritage of IndiA ईशा
A Non-Profit Organization offering authentic educational resources
on culture and heritage of India www.ESHAusa.org
How Yoga and Vedanta Concepts
influenced Western Thought
Discover the astonishing impact that ancient teachings of enlightened yoga masters from the east had on the earliest Greek philosophers - like Plato and Pythagoras - whose work laid the foundation of Western thought. Linda Johnsen, a leading author on Eastern spirituality, reveals how ideas about karma, the afterlife, reincarnation, and God were taught in the ancient Western world and how yogic traditions influenced early Greek sages.
(from Yoga+ Joyful Living, Jan-Feb 07 issue, p 97)
American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation
How Indian Spirituality Changed the West
Paperback – May 14, 2013
by Philip Goldberg (Author)
• The Rabbi and I
One GOD, with unlimited names and qualities, Equality Based on the Souls