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STARTALK ESHA Documentary Videos 

Authentic Media on Indian Science & Technology

With a grant from STARTALK program managed by National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland, ESHA (Educators' Society for Heritage of IndiA) has produced more than 20 videos in Hindi on some of India’s most famous monuments and institutions in Delhi and Jaipur that not only have historical significance but also have interesting science or technology features. This project had twin objectives:


  1. To provide authentic and interesting resources on India in Hindi, especially resources with a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) perspective, and designed for young learners.

  2. To provide interesting and incredibly rich context to create learning experiences that can push learners to the Advanced Level in Hindi. Many heritage learners are stuck at the Intermediate level in Hindi and crossing the border from the Intermediate level to the Advanced level is difficult. The project targets middle school, high school and college students.

These videos could be used in curricula with themes around traveling to India (tourist and traveler themes), science and technology in India, or history in India.


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